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Headaches Specialist


Romer Mosquera, M.D.

Board Certified Neurologist & Clinical Neurophysiologist located in Miami, FL

Headaches affect 75% of the population, making them one of the most common pain conditions. But if you’re one of the 17% who struggles with severe headaches and migraines, you suffer an excruciating level of pain. Romer Mosquera, MD, at Neuroclinics in Miami, Florida, has helped many people find relief from their headaches, including migraines. To learn more about treatments that ease the pain and reduce the number of headaches, call the office or schedule an appointment online today.

Headaches Q & A

What causes headaches?

The many different types of headaches belong in one of two categories based on what’s causing them:

Primary headaches

Most headaches can be classified as primary headaches, those caused by problems in your head and neck. The top causes include:

  • Nerve and blood vessel problems in your head
  • Muscles in your head and neck
  • Unusual biochemical activity in your brain

Examples of primary headaches are tension headaches, cluster headaches, and migraines.

Secondary headaches

Secondary headaches are those caused by an underlying health condition. Things like sinus congestion, temporomandibular joint disorder (a problem in your jaw joint), concussions, and brain and spine conditions frequently cause headaches.

What are the symptoms of a migraine?

Migraines develop when triggers like caffeine, stress, and lack of sleep cause changes in your brain activity, nerves, and blood vessels.

Migraines can go through four stages, but most people don’t experience all four. Some people have subtle changes like food cravings and mood swings in the days before their migraines. 

About 25-30% of migraine patients experience auras shortly before their headache pain starts. An aura can appear as changes in vision, unusual sensations like tingling or difficulty speaking.

The migraine attack, the third stage of the migraine process, causes symptoms like:

  • Severe, throbbing pain around one or both temples
  • Sensitivity to lights, sounds, or smells
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Vertigo

Without treatment, migraine attacks can last at least four hours and as long as three days.

After the migraine pain goes away, you can have symptoms like weakness, fatigue, and confusion. This fourth phase should get better within a day.

How are headaches treated?

Your provider at Neuroclinics develops a personalized treatment plan based on the type of headaches you’re having and how severe they are. They can prescribe medications that relieve the pain and make the headache go away more quickly.

People with chronic migraines may be candidates for Botox® injections. Botox lowers the number of headaches they suffer.

Migraines and a few other kinds of headaches, like cluster headaches, often get better with specialized treatments that stop or prevent the pain. These treatments include neuromodulation and sphenopalatine ganglion blocks.

During a sphenopalatine ganglion block, your provider injects an anesthetic into the cluster of nerves involved in causing your headaches. Neuromodulation uses electrical or magnetic pulses to regulate your nerve activity.

You can get relief from headaches through the compassionate care provided by the team at Neuroclinics. Call the office today or schedule an appointment online.